About Us

Word From the Founder

This sociopolitical studio is the manifestation of years of doing, advocating, connecting, but more importantly, years of thinking & experiencing. Studio Madane, since 2019, has been continuous proof that there exists an inclusive multidisciplinary approach towards the necessary progressive collective development.

In my opinion, the aforementioned transversal working methodology is the most efficient way that the tangible, righteous, and self-sufficient change can surface. Progressive reform in Lebanon is the agenda that follows our main vision to engage the youth in developing their direct surrounding while exercising their intellectual and practical abilities. I want to connect with all of you, and I am excited to redesign the metrics of the systems that govern us and our physical living environment together.
Intellectual Property Agreement.pdf
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Visual Guidelines.pdf
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The Logbook.pdf
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Where is Studio Madane based?

Studio Madane is a registered NGO in Spain. The larger community of Studio Madane members exists in Lebanon; however, it remains as a CSO in Lebanon. There is an office for Studio Madane in both countries.

What does Studio Madane's youth serve?

Studio Madane engages 175+ youth activists, architects, artists, journalists, visualizers, like-minded groups/ collectives/ bodies, creators, analysts, teachers, citizens, and volunteers in sociopolitical program development + practical change in the civic sphere.

In the process, project developments become publications by Studio Madane that are readily downloadable from the website. In addition, the members of Studio Madane intend to engage specific groups, such as women, LGBTQ+, individuals of neurodiversity, and minorities in all planning, execution, and collaboration. Studio Madane's youth focuses on research and application in many themes in order to equip the community with a reliable sociopolitical plan, accessibility to information, civic reform, and active roles in fields of interest.

Are any particular skills required to join Studio Madane?

Studio Madane neither searches for professionals in civic + sociopolitical reform nor members with experience in practice-based methodologies. Applications come mostly from individuals involved in the field of the working group they are applying to with an enthusiasm towards civic and sociopolitical reform. Of course, the more experienced an applicant is, the more committed they can be, and the faster they grow in Studio Madane.

Is it possible to apply to more than one working group?

Absolutely! An applicant may be admitted to more than one project as long as this applicant proves to have the capacity to be involved in more than one project and/ or working group [time, skills, tolerance].

Will I be affiliated to a local political group if I join Studio Madane?

No. Despite Studio Madane’s collaborations with progressive Lebanese social and/ or political parties, being in Studio Madane does not pertain to any affiliation to any social and/ or political party. Studio Madane celebrates an autonomy as it is led completely by its youth.

How does Studio Madane fund itself?

Studio Madane received one grant from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Beirut [details on the BRPI project article] between July and November, 2021. At the moment, Studio Madane is run by volunteers. Web development, graphic design, and availability of meeting spaces are voluntary. Studio Madane aspires to receive project funding based on external funds and/ or donations. Whenever Studio Madane receives money, it will be completely transparent and public about how the grants are received and distributed.

What are the projects in Studio Madane about?

Studio Madane's projects have a wide range of thematic, reflected by the competences of its 7 working groups. The body of projects target pressing sociopolitical issues, causes, physical sites, and local sectors. They are about urban regeneration, digitization, decentralization, rights of minorities, accessibility, public development... More specifically, the working groups generate architectural mappings, public policy, project prototypes, research reports, archives, audiovisuals for social impact, social contracts, quantitative and qualitative references, and more.

What happens to a project when it is finished?

The projects provide the quantitative and qualitative insights needed to emphasize the sociopolitical vision that Studio Madane is manufacturing. Studio Madane's projects are divided into several phases that are each characterized by tangible expectations. Whenever these expectations are met, they are converted to downloadable publications on our website. Prototyping for accurate studies is also conducted.

How may I directly speak to the founder or any of the members, coordinators, and advisors?

We enjoy communicating with anyone about our collective! Just contact us via the contact form at the footer of every page on this website. You may also reach out to us via our email info@studiomadane.com. If you prefer to call or text us, our phone number is +961 81 004 834.

Is Studio Madane always open for applications?

Studio Madane is open to receive applications through the website at any time. However, interview invitations, acceptances, and referrals from Studio Madane to the applicant take place within specific time ranges that are announced. If a prompt response is expected of Studio Madane, we recommend communication via email directly.
Working Groups
Community Activists
Advocates of human rights, LGBTQ+, Feminism, the rights of animals, environmentalism, digital rights, privacy, anti-sectarianism, cybersecurity, anti-corruption, social justice, pluralism...
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the production varies between research reports, reform papers, public policies, documents of violations/ violators, mappings of institutions... The media that conveys the production is decided within the working group.
Age: minimum 16
Urbanists & Enviromentalists
Any student, graduate, professional, and/or enthusiast in the domain of architecture, urban politics, urbanism, urban regeneration, social work...
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations..], the production varies between architectural mappings, studies of urban informalities, architectural literature, analysis, infographics, urban policy, design interventions, 3D modeling, collaborations with architectural collectives...
Age: minimum 20
Artists & Laborers
Any student, graduate, professional, and/or enthusiast that pursues the arts [plastic, performance, political, installation, literary] and garment-making.
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the production varies between urban installations, archives, artists' and laborer's' search engines, eco printing, photography, murals, critique, and analysis... The artists & laborers, in Lebanon, are heavily distanced from the sociopolitical sphere; this working group bridges the distance between them and realizes that its members can be very much change-making, critical, and involved.
Age: minimum 18
documenters & visual creators
Like-minded individuals that are involved in multimedia journalism, documentation for social impact, writing, videography, graphic design, editing...
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the production varies between podcasts, seminars, publications, articles, audiovisual reports, investigation of national/ international occurrences, infographics, state-of-art film, reportage, multimedia journalism, on-the-ground documentation...
Age: minimum 20
group allies
Active youth politicians participating in change-making and reform in Lebanon by engaging in civil society activity or working with any alternative and progressive groups that are in opposition to the corrupt ruling class.
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the youth politicians participate in developing agendas, social contracts, political stances, research reports, one-pagers, consensus, and filling knowledge gaps [economic, historical, social...]. The participants represent the ideologies we need to introduce to our communities. This group embodies a diverse microcosm of society.
Age: minimum 18
Citizen Volunteers
Like-minded individuals that are interested in logistical planning, strategizing, consulting, internal affairs, communication, ambassadorship, content creation, marketing, and operating working models.
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the committees of this working group operate recruitment, website management, content creation, outreach, internal communication, reporting and development, graphic design, on-the-ground support, digital logistics, strategy-making, and social media management.
Age: minimum 16
Citizen Scientists
Like-minded individuals that live in different areas of Lebanon and are enthusiasts of local research, history, activating the youth in their areas, pulling knowledge from the community, documenting the protocol of their districts, archives, ambassadorship, communication with respective municipalities...
Through result-oriented sessions [live/ online workshops, field surveys, mobilizations...], the citizen scientists participate in developing archives, social contracts, research reports, filling knowledge gaps [economic, historical, social...], and mappings about the districts that they represent. The participants represent Studio Madane in their communities. This group embodies a diverse microcosm of the nation.
Age: minimum 16