Where is Studio Madane Based?  

Studio Madane is a registered NGO in Spain. The larger community of Studio Madane members exists in Lebanon; however, it remains as a CSO in Lebanon. There is an office for Studio Madane in both countries.

Who’s in the Studio Madane teams?

Studio Madane is currently preparing a very detailed section on its website that will convey the information and contacts of the existing members, the alumni, and the advisors! You may contact us directly to know more, or you can stay tuned on the our website and social media platforms to be notified of its launch. 

Are there any particular skills to join Studio Madane?  

Studio Madane does not usually search for professionals and experts. Applications come mostly from individuals involved in the field of the working group they are applying to with an enthusiasm towards a better world. Of course, the more experienced an applicant is, the more committed they can be, and the faster they grow in Studio Madane.

Is  it possible to participate in more than one working group at a time?

Absolutely! An applicant may be admitted to more than one program/ project as long as this applicant proves to have the capacity to be involved in more than one program/ poject and/ or working group [time, skills, tolerance].

How does Studio Madane fund itself?

Studio Madane received grants and award money, which it used to fund some of its programs and logistical work. It also has volunteers. Web development, graphic design, and spaces to meet are voluntary. Whenever Studio Madane receives money, it will be completely transparent about how the grants are received and distributed.