+ Studio
Beirut River: Portrait + Injection
Community Activists
Citizen Scientists
Studio Madane is a registered NGO in Spain. The larger community of Studio Madane members exists in Lebanon; however, it remains as a CSO in Lebanon. There is an office for Studio Madane in both countries.
Studio Madane engages 175+ youth activists, architects, artists, journalists, visualizers, like-minded groups/ collectives/ bodies, creators, analysts, teachers, citizens, and volunteers in sociopolitical program development + practical change in the civic sphere.
In the process, project developments become publications by Studio Madane that are readily downloadable from the website. In addition, the members of Studio Madane intend to engage specific groups, such as women, LGBTQ+, individuals of neurodiversity, and minorities in all planning, execution, and collaboration. Studio Madane's youth focuses on research and application in many themes in order to equip the community with a reliable sociopolitical plan, accessibility to information, civic reform, and active roles in fields of interest.
Studio Madane neither searches for professionals in civic + sociopolitical reform nor members with experience in practice-based methodologies. Applications come mostly from individuals involved in the field of the working group they are applying to with an enthusiasm towards civic and sociopolitical reform. Of course, the more experienced an applicant is, the more committed they can be, and the faster they grow in Studio Madane.
Absolutely! An applicant may be admitted to more than one project as long as this applicant proves to have the capacity to be involved in more than one project and/ or working group [time, skills, tolerance].
Studio Madane received one grant from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Beirut [details on the BRPI project article] between July and November, 2021. At the moment, Studio Madane is run by volunteers. Web development, graphic design, and availability of meeting spaces are voluntary. Studio Madane aspires to receive project funding based on external funds and/ or donations. Whenever Studio Madane receives money, it will be completely transparent and public about how the grants are received and distributed. Studio Madane is a registered NGO in Spain. The larger community of Studio Madane members exists in Lebanon; however, it remains as a CSO in Lebanon.