09 Apr - 2021

Child Protection

Coordinator | Volunteer Needed
Researchers | Volunteers Needed
Surveyors | Volunteers Needed
Stakeholders | Stakeholders Needed
Author | Lynn Moghrabi
The consequences of Lebanon’s challenges reached children and minors. Oftentimes, these groups struggles are neglected - be it mental or physical. The Child Protection project aims at developing policy and resolutions to the problems that put the well-being of children in schools and homes at stake. Pressure groups will advocate for and develop consistent aid and support that should be applied to children all over Lebanon [both schooled and unschooled]: connecting to children/ minors [age range 5 - 16 years] through a problem-solution approach. With this project, children from private and public schools will be primarily surveyed to identify common issues as a foundation for resolution.
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Good Mental Health & Well Being, Increased Social Awareness, and Social Inclusion.
Project Narrative
The situation in Lebanon - whether economic, social, political, or managerial - has been continuously spiraling into what seems to be an endless cycle of chaos [Lebanon, 2022]. With that, comes a great deal of consequences - particularly related to mental health and well-being. Unfortunately, and even under normal circumstances, children and minors have consistently been neglected [Lebanon, 2022]. In addition to that, mental health in specific has always been a taboo - rendering children’s mental health and well-being an issue that has been completely ignored. With the recent developments and crises hitting the country, such as the economic collapse, COVID-19, and the August 4 Beirut port explosion - among others - the mental health scheme in Lebanon has become disastrous. All these adversities give rise to what Farran [2021] refers to as the ‘silent epidemic’ - which represents the current mental and psychological state of most Lebanese citizens. A multitude of studies have previously shown that lifetime adversity exerts a greater effect and a more lasting influence on health and functioning compared to a single event [Farran, 2021]. Situations similar to that in Lebanon, where people are faced with multiple crises simultaneously, have also shown to increase both anxiety and stress levels [Farran, 2021]. Inevitably this will leave an impact on children and minors mental health. What is more concerning is the lack of resources, such as school counselors and psychologists, that are available for these children both at home and in school.
A public and a private school will be chosen as the ground to play for the project’s research sample - school collaborators are to be kept anonymous throughout the process. This initial phase will operate in parallel with awareness talks that take place periodically with relevant figures who are informed on the topic to earn the necessary insights and foundational knowledge. Fundraising events will be conducted periodically to support underprivileged children by designing school kits. A survey emphasizing the well-being of children inside school premises will be distributed among students - the results of the survey between private and public schools will be compared. Additionally, in the months to follow, a survey emphasizing domestic well-being will be distributed among students - the results of the survey between private and public schools will also be compared. The survey will be modified throughout the process if needed and the results will aid in establishing policy proposals.